Milan Greiner
Slovenian association "Cultural bridge Switzerland–Slovenia", Bern
I was born in 1948 in Maribor and went to Switzerland in 1971, where I stayed until this day. There, I met my wife Heidi and, together, we have three children, who are now adults. Whilst working, I studied and became a civil engineer and an architect. In 1978, we founded Greiner Plan+Bau, a construction company and house planning bureau.
Driven by great patriotism and a desire to preserve the Slovenian culture, I soon began to organize Slovenian events and activities that would bring Slovenian compatriots together. I became a member of the Slovenian Mission committee in Switzerland for the Solothurn-Bern area and was responsible for cultural programme at events. In 1972, I became the president of the Slovenian association called Cultural bridge Switzerland–Slovenia (Slovenian: Kulturni most Švica-Slovenija), where I organized various cultural exchange events. Until 2014, annual exchanges, several visits and performances were organized as part of twinning between the municipalities of Lützelflüh and Velike Lašče. The municipal council of Velike Lašče awarded me, this year, the title of honorary citizen. My wife, who is a Swiss, but a true Slovenian at heart, helped me with all activities.
As early as 1990, the Slovenians living in Switzerland supported, with great desire, the idea of an independent Slovenia and, in 1991, even held protests in front of the Swiss Parliament so they would recognize our independent country. The same as Slovenians at home, we had an ardent and strongly resounding desire for Slovenia to become a "little Switzerland", but unfortunately this did not happen yet.
My volunteer work is a contribution to a more pleasant community and better understanding of both cultures in the two countries. After investing a lot of time and effort, the happy, pleased, and thankful faces of all participants came as the reward for my voluntary work.