Andrej Fink
On the silver jubilee of the state of Slovenia, we Slovenians abroad experience great feelings of happiness. Life abroad is something special. We carry the homeland in our hearts and minds, therefore our connection with the homeland is more intensive. We are surrounded by a non-Slovenian language, another culture, land and issues etc. Although fully engaged in these communities where we live, we carry within us a great additional value that this environment does not have. We are Slovenians and thus different and richer.
We have been following the development of Slovenia with mixed feelings for decades. Before Slovenia’s independence, with sadness, concern and hope. When Slovenia gained its independence, with indescribable joy and efforts for its establishment and recognition. After its independence, with intensive identification with its new life at home and abroad. For 25 years, we Slovenians have been able to show everyone our country on the map.
On this silver jubilee, we again show our loyalty and wish: Vivat, crescat, floreat! May Slovenia and the Slovenian nation live, grow and flourish, in honour of God, to the world as an example, and for ourselves in unwavering hope and pride!