
Ceremony for the 25th anniversary of Premik 91

On 23 March 2016, a ceremony for to the 25th anniversary of the logistical and tactical exercise Premik 91 will take place in the Novo mesto army barracks of Franc Uršič. To commemorate the events of that time, the Slovenian Armed Forces are organising a tactical exercise Skok, which will take place on 22 and 23 March 2016 on a similar route to that of Premik.

25 years ago the exercise included more than 400 Territorial Defence military members. To all the participants it represented a test of their abilities to perform defence tasks and at the same time it was the first exercise where all military members of two regional headquarters of the Territorial Defence participated and also the first taking place over longer distances, from northern Primorska to Dolenjska.

*** If you attended any of the "Slovenia's 20" events and would like to share your impressions and photos then please send them to: slovenia25@gov.si